Creating your homemade toothpaste not only results in an aesthetically pleasing

This homemade toothpaste incorporates thoughtfully selected natural ingredients renowned for their dental health benefits:

3 tablespoons of baking soda

15 drops of mint or lemon essential oil

3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil

3 tablespoons of white clay

Why Opt for These Ingredients?

Baking Soda: Economical and potent, it combats bacteria and enhances teeth whitening.

Essential Oil (Mint or Lemon): Offers a refreshing taste and antibacterial properties, ensuring a clean and fresh mouth.

Coconut Oil: Known for powerful antibacterial effects, it inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a common cause of enamel erosion.
White Clay: A gentle yet effective cleanser with a neutral pH, purifying teeth without causing harm to the gums.

Preparation Method

Combine all ingredients in a bowl until achieving a consistent paste.
To use, dampen your toothbrush and apply the mixture.
Store the toothpaste in a sterile glass container, considering that coconut oil may solidify in cooler conditions. It’s advisable to prepare small batches for use within a week.

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